Monday 1 March 2010

Natural Disasters in Chile...

Recently, there was an massive earthquake that struck Chile on 27Th of February 2010 on 2.34p.m.(Singapore time). The massive Earthquake hit Santiago(Chile) with a magnitude of 8.8. This devastating quake resulted in more than 120 peoples death while the death tolls of others are still raising quickly. The pity that had the most damage was Concepcion. There, a 15 storey building had collapsed and even cracked open on the street.Buildings caught fire and a tsunami warning was issued. Every nation around the Pacific ocean has been threaten by this unpredictable tsunami.
This earthquake is caused because of the rows of major crustal plates also known as the very active "Ring of fire", crushing against each other.
The government accepted help from other country and they really need a lot of help at this state.
I think that the government should encourage all houses to rebuild in a way that can withstand a high magnitude of Earthquake. This would help in reducing the number of people being homeless after the quake.

Reuteis Aft At, The Straits Times, 28-02-2010

Thursday 4 February 2010


Test test test?!
U can c not huh?!
My teacer(purposely) say tat we gotto try u noe!
we ah create tis for Geography ar!
ar ar I tell u ar Geography very fun arh!!!